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"Fashioned by God"

Hey there, I'm Chandler (28), and you might be wondering what this is all about. To put it plainly, this blog is a place for men to experience the Kingdom of God and to look good while doing it.

If we're being honest, there is a lot of advice out there directed towards men of all ages that is lacking in substance, and there are numerous men's lifestyle "influencers" who don't teach us how to be the best version of ourselves, at least not practically or holistically.


I want to teach you how to enhance your appearance, overall health and fitness, leadership skills, and relationships with others, all through a biblical lens.

But I don't want you to do this for yourself. I want you to do it for others. Let me explain...

I believe that the key to living a fulfilling life can be found in the wisdom and teachings of Jesus Christ. You may have heard of Him as the "Son of God," "Savior of Humanity," and "King of the World" (I assure you all of this is true and so much more).

While Jesus didn't focus on material possessions like clothing, He placed great emphasis on providing guidance, teaching people effectively, and showing extraordinary compassion for others. I hope this place will embody all of those qualities as well.


I see it more and more these days. Many men are lost, hurting, lacking confidence, needing someone to follow, and desperate for wisdom and compassion. My job is not to tell you how to live your life or claim that I know all the "secrets" to solve your problems. My job is to point you toward Jesus so He can show you how to live the best life possible – a life full of meaning, purpose, and love.

This site covers a wide range of topics, including style advice, health and fitness tips, personal and professional growth, leadership development, and theological teachings from a Christian worldview. Our goal is to help men live purposeful lives guided by the principles of the Bible.


In God's economy, being a man means recognizing that we were created to help others flourish by serving, leading, teaching well, and achieving a beautiful balance between strength and grace. We need good, strong, capable, and gracious men who will rise to the occasion in life.

Many of the world's problems exist because men have spiraled out of control, allowing their hearts to harden beyond measure. Fatherlessness and a lack of genuine leadership on the part of men fuels our most urgent social issues.

I want all of that to end.

But to even come close, we men must follow a perfect standard and model. I believe we can all reach that standard with the Word of God (the Bible) and the example of Jesus Christ. However, we have to support each other and continuously work on the posture of our hearts to follow through with a mission such as this.

We all have unique struggles, whether a lack of purpose, budgetary constraints, low self-esteem, poor personal appearance, responsibilities that consume so much of our time, or a lack of knowledge about caring for ourselves (the list goes on).

You may not have been taught how to navigate these aspects of life, and when you see some of the men out there who promise to "teach you," you're confused when they give you personal or lifestyle advice that doesn't seem to measure up.

I created Gentleman's Flair to address this issue. My experience in the military has taught me that our attire, demeanor, and presentation significantly impact our achievements and relationships. Whether we acknowledge it or not, our appearance is important and extends beyond just our clothing.

If you'd like to learn more about my life and personal story, click here.


I want you to be gracious and confident gentlemen who can speak truth into other people's lives and love them as God loves the world. I want you to lead well in the home, at work, and anywhere else that life might take you. I believe God made men to be great leaders and teachers, not by serving ourselves but by serving others, just as Christ did.

I'm on a mission to help you achieve a position in life that allows you to influence others positively. I want to teach you how to inspire and advise other men in need, whether it's about dressing for a date or a job interview, improving their health and wellness, becoming a leader in their communities, and perhaps even spreading the good news about what Jesus accomplished.


No matter who you are, your age, or where you come from, this is a place for men from all walks of life. It exists to provide you with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to become "fishers of men"and to look good while doing it. Your trust in this blog and me is vital.

Allow me to be your example as I walk you through this journey of being a gentleman in God's economy. Subscribe to this blog to receive all of my new articles and newsletters. Follow Gentleman's Flair on all social media platforms (see the bottom of this page) and get dialed into this unique and prosperous community!

Stay Stylish & Blessed,


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