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Following Christ with timeless style and a modern flair.

Chandler Quinn Heath | Founder of Gentleman's Flair

Hello, I'm Chandler (28), and this is a blog for average guys like you and me. If we're being honest, there is a lot of advice out there directed towards men of all ages that is lacking in substance, and there are numerous men's lifestyle "influencers" who don't teach us how to be the best version of ourselves, at least not practically or realistically.

Growing up, I didn't have the typical qualities that made someone popular, intelligent, or athletic in school. However, I discovered my passion for teaching, leading, and mentoring others at a relatively young age. As I grew older and ventured into the military and college, I developed an interest in menswear, both classic and modern.

This journey began because of my low self-esteem, especially after losing my hair at the age of twenty. I realized that dressing well, speaking confidently, and maintaining a personal fitness routine could boost my self-confidence and professional image. This newfound interest in clothing and style, combined with my love for leading and my talent for articulation, motivated me to start a blog to delve into these topics.

Shortly after starting the blog, I began re-examining and deepening my faith. Although I grew up as a Christian, it wasn't until I met my wife that I started to see God's profound impact on my life. This led me to take my faith more seriously and strive to contribute more to His kingdom.

To read about my life and story, click here.

I believe that the ultimate guide for living a fulfilling life can be found in the wisdom and teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus didn't worry much about what he wore as he was focused on saving and redeeming mankind, but He certainly had a lot to say about living a meaningful life. The truth is that there are a lot of men out there who are lost, hurting, lack confidence, and desperately need someone to follow.

My job isn't to tell you how to live your life; it's to point you toward Jesus so that He can tell you how to live the best life possible: a life full of meaning, purpose, and love.

There will never be a man like the Son of God himself, and I have found that Jesus has answers to all the issues we could ever face in this life. In addition to being a gentleman's blog, this website is also a place to learn more about God, His kingdom, and His Son Jesus.

We all have struggles that are unique to each of us, whether they be a lack of purpose, budgetary constraints, low self-esteem, poor personal appearance, responsibilities that consume so much of your time, or a lack of knowledge about caring for yourself, etc.

Simply put, nobody probably showed you how to navigate these areas of life, and when you observe some of the men who pledge to help teach you, you're puzzled when they recommend that you wear clothes from luxury brands or give you life advice that doesn't seem to measure up.

I started this blog to change all of that. My time in the military has shown me that how we dress, carry, and present ourselves directly impacts the successes that we can enjoy in our lives. Whether we like it or not, our appearance matters and isn't limited to what we wear.

Here, I will teach you to become one of the best-dressed guys in the room on a modest budget and for every occasion. I'll provide you with the knowledge and inspiration to develop your style and even get you into shape.

No matter who you are, your age, or where you come from, this is a place for men from all walks of life. It exists to give you the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to become the man God made you to be (and look good while doing it). Your trust in this blog and me is extremely important.

What we wear isn't everything, but it communicates something about each of us, and how we feel about ourselves dictates how confident we are in our everyday lives. These powerful attributes can help springboard us into a life of success or weigh us down toward failure if we aren't taking them seriously. It doesn't have to be so challenging to better ourselves, and doing more with less is entirely possible.

Allow me to be your example as I walk you through this journey of being a gentleman in God's economy. Subscribe to this blog to receive all of my new articles and newsletters. Follow Gentleman's Flair on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube, and X (Twitter) to remain updated on the latest information. Let's become inspired together!

God Bless,


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"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17

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